Arx Hereticus

Welcome to the ramblings of a merry heretic, an ex-pat (Tex-pat?) American living in Maryland after having spent six years in Germany. Arx Hereticus is part travelogue, part cooking, part budo, part socio-political commentary and mostly just me BSing.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

He's good to go

I just wanted to say how proud I am of this guy and his motivation to return to normal life after a really steep degradation and drastic measures to return him to something resembling normal.

It's no small thing, to decide to get your greater trochanter sawed off, your acetabulum bored out and replaced with high-impact plastic, all your hip rotators and your tensor fascia latae cut through, ESPECIALLY if you are a budoka and this is, literally, where you live.

I still suffer fits of paranoia and regret on his behalf, something I know AH/cg doesn't do, thinking there was something else we could have done. But when my teacher Peter Schwind suggested we get an Xray of the joint because he suspected something serious was going on, we didn't delay.

I literally did everything I physically could to prevent the surgery. But when my mate kept sliding back into pain after the manipulations, I realized it was out of my hands.

After the pre-op treatment with Peter S, CG was "himself" for barely two days before sliding back down into the black well of pain. I realized that my heart was going to break if we didn't go through with the surgery and find CG some hope. Seeing him so bright-eyed again, after the Peter's treatment, just broke my heart.
I realized how far CG has slipped into pain, and missed the vital, powerful, warm, totally giving and brilliant man I fell in love with.

Now, I see him again, now that we've gone through the (gruesome but well-medicated and well-managed) surgery to replace the greater trochanter with chromium steel alloy, and the acetabulum with carefully angled (to allow further budo training) plastic.

We were told that ceramic was great, but hard to replace and, well.. squeaky.

It's a bloody miracle, with emphasis on the "bloody".
I'm a holistic health practitioner, but this experience, especially my 5 days in the hospital directly post-op with my mate, have reinforced my faith in "a damn good knife when you need one".

We bodyworkers can't do everything. It's a mistake for us to think so. We need our "partners of the knife" close at hand, for when our hands can't do it all.

Meanwhile, I'm doing my best to work up a challenging rehab..




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